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Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Dear Thomas,
Earlier this morning, we emailed requesting that you call your senators and ask them 
to support critical food-safety legislation when they return to Washington.
The subject line in that message said that the vote was in two weeks. 
However senators will be voting on this legislation NEXT WEEK
 – just days from now.
We apologize for the error and multiple emails. But we know how important your call 
is and want to make sure you have the correct information.
We don't have much time. Please make your call today! 
Even if you are calling after business hours, leaving a message with the 
talking points below will make a big difference.
The Make Our Food Safe Coalition
Dear Thomas,
Four people in Texas have recently paid the ultimate price 
for a meal – with their lives. 
An outbreak of illness caused by Listeria in bagged celery killed them 
and sickened ten people in recent months. And over the weekend, 
the nation's biggest egg seller recalled 288,000 eggs after a test confirmed 
Salmonella at its supplier's farm.
As you read this, your senators are preparing to head back 
to Washington, DC where they will cast their vote on critical food
-safety legislation. 
We told you previously thatSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) 
filed a cloture motion which is a way to end the delay tactics and allow 
a bill to move forward for a final vote. Now, we need your help to make 
sure your senators vote "Yes!" on this important public health measure.
CALL 1-(877) 481-9966 and tell your senators:

1. Your name and where you live
2. You VOTE and food safety is important to you 
3. Please Vote "YES" for cloture to move S. 510, the 
Food Safety Modernization Act forward and "YES" 
for its final passage.

The coming weeks presents the final opportunity to pass strong 
food-safety reform legislation in this Congress. 
Your senators are home right now and we're asking you to make
a toll-free call to their district office and deliver a simple message 
to support the cloture motion to end delays and debate, and vote
to give the bill final passage.
CALL 1-(877) 481-9966 NOW!
Have you been keeping track of
all the food recalls and outbreaks this year?

 We have – and it's not pretty. The evidence keeps piling up
something has to be done to fix our broken food-safety
system. Let's start now.

Deliver your message TODAY!
Thank you for standing up for safe food.
The "Make Our Food Safe" coalition      (AND ME!! TL )
P.S. TIMESAVER TIP: When you call the hotline, you can bypass
 the message at any point by pressing "1" to be connected directly 
to your senator's office. Our line can only connect to one office per call.
 To speak to your other senator, please hang up and call right back and
 you will be patched through to that office.

 Campaign is a coalition of public health organizations,
consumer organizations, and groups representing the families
of victims of foodborne illness.
